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FIRST Tech Slovenia

To inspire and solve challenges through robotics

Who are we?

FIRST Slovenia is a group of students that represents the country of Slovenia in international competitions, loves finding interesting challenges, making robots and using them to solve these same challenges.

What is FIRST?

FIRST is the organisation behind competitions, where hundreds of thousands of students all around the world build on their passion in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The competitions bring together leading STEM experts of the future and encourage the participants to help solve any and every global problem. With this the participants gain experience in different STEM fields.

What do we do?

FIRST Global Challenge

Also known by its acronym FGC, this competition involves a single team from (almost) every country in the world. The challenges are focused on coming up with solutions to a specific global problem of today and the future. You can read more about this competition our FGC website.

FIRST Tech Challenge

Also known under the acronym FTC, this competition’s challenges are focused on more difficult problems, requiring a bit more experience than FGC. You can read more about this competition here.

Donations and sponsorships

Application fees and travel expenses for the team are quite substantial, so we’re looking to raise money from donors and sposnors. If you’d like to help us out, please reach out to the following email It’d really help us out! To see who our current sponsors and donors are visit the page with the list of our supporters.